So Rob and I both worked all day on Saturday - and literally, I finished work and went up to make dinner as he walked in the door. I welcomed him home with a, "Can we go grab some quick dinner somewhere?" He agreed.
Here are some highlights of our dining experience out. Keep in mind, I was super tired, achy, and needed to eat...
1. I threw out options of where to go, we couldn't decide and drove around aimlessly for a half hour.
2. Finally, we came into the vicinity of a restaurant we don't frequent often, but happened to have a gift card. This particular chain has a restaurant about a half a mile from our house and then one about 8 miles away. We went to the one 8 miles away.
3. When we pulled up - the sign was down and the parking lot empty.
4. I was getting impatient by now.
5. There is another family chain next door - so we decided to go there...even though neither Rob nor I have a particular affinity for this restaurant, we figured, "Heck, we're here and we're hungry. This'll work."
6. Upon looking at the menu, there were basically nothing I could eat without gluten.
7. After going back and forth with the waitress, I ordered a burger without a bun - and not being able to eat the fries, I had to order a separate side of a baked potato. They wouldn't cook the burger Medium Rare - just Medium...but food is food.
8. Food arrived eventually - my plate came with a potato without butter and a plain burger patty. No bacon, cheese, bbq, or anything else.
9. Manager came by and asked about our meal. I politely said, "Actually, I need to send this back. It was supposed to have toppings, just no bun." He said, "Oh," and took it away. No apology or other words. Just "oh."
10. Manager came back with my food. 6 shreds of cheese (yes, cheese that I paid an extra dollar for). Still no apology.
11. By now, I was getting irritable. Cut into the burger and it was well done. Not, "Great job, Chef. Well done!" with high fives. WELL DONE. Now faced with the dilemma of whether to send it back AGAIN or suck it up and eat...I ate. On principle I ate the whole burger. After all, I paid like $11 for the stupid sub-par burger.
12. The potato didn't have butter, so I ate a couple of bites and asked for a box (to take it home to my house so I could butter it before enjoying my extra side of baked potato).
13. Did I mention there was a table of screaming children running back and forth from the front to the back of the restaurant the whole time while the parents sat finishing their pitchers of beer?
14. We get the check and decide to get the heck out as soon as we could.
15. Being super pregnant, I went to pee before we could leave. Rob waited and watched "Little Johnny Son of a B" (the obnoxious kids whose parents were in the back milking their beer) smash buckets of peanuts through the lobby while another kid ran back and forth on the benches designed for patrons to sit on.
16. Our table didn't even have peanuts on all the other tables!
17. We finally get the heck out of there and I realize at the first traffic light that I left my potato, wrapped nicely in its box, on our table.
Just one of those nights. Any of these happenings on their own wouldn't have been a big deal...but altogether - on top of being really tired and hungry - weak sauce.