Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquake. Hurricane. Rhyming.

Well, it's been a tumultuous week.  With the earthquake and Hurricane Irene, I feel like I should have some profound thoughts about the happenings in the world...and yet, I don't have much to say.

Truly, something much more shallow has been on my mind.
What's been annoying me lately is when people (particularly musicians) try to "rhyme" words with themselves.  These aren't, in fact, rhymes.  By their very definition - rhymes are two DIFFERENT words that sound alike.  Words "rhymed" with themselves aren't rhymes - they're repetitions.

Here's an example:

George Straight's new song "Here for a Good Time"
Regardless of the outrageously country/hickish content of the song, it's a good example of my annoyance AND has been catalytic in rejuvenating this pet peeve of mine.

I ain't here for a long TIME
I'm here for a good TIME
So bring on the sunshine
To beep with the red wine
Pour me some moonshine

Time and Time don't rhyme!!!!! (Haha.  But Time and Rhyme do)
There are some great songs and poems in which the last word is repeated purposefully, not as a rhyme, but for emphasis and effect.  Perfectly acceptable.  Consistent, intentional, and thought out.  However, in this stupid song, he isn't trying to repeat himself (as indicated by the three lines actually rhyme that AREN'T repetitious) - he's just dumb at words that SOUND alike, but aren't actually the same word.

Sorry for the rant.  Does anyone else share this pet peeve, or am I a crazy?  I can take it if I am.  But the rhyming thing will still bug me.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2 Months

Well - time flies!

Keira is 2 months already and growing like a weed.  We went to the doctors for her 2 month checkup and got rave reviews.

She's 12 pounds 12 ounces, 24 inches long, with a 16 inch head.  If you're thinking that's large, you're right.  She's at 92% for weight, 96% length, and 90% head size (which I was thankful for...though that seems huge, the rest of her is catching up to her head).  She's eating and sleeping well.  She does, however, have random bouts of mega spit-up and is drooling like a feind.

Just for some perspective, my mom told me that all five of us kids were right at 17 pounds for our first birthdays...and we were big at birth.  So, yeah.  Keira is almost 13 pounds at 2 months... our little amazon.

AND for the BEST news of all...Keira has been social smiling for 2 weeks now!!!!  No lie, it is the best thing in the world, not just to have her smile, but to smile at YOU.  BEST THING EVER.
We had no idea the joy that she would bring to our family.  What a blessing you are, Keira.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Ed said that our kid looks like Winston Churchill.

He's not wrong.

But she's happier than he was.