I wish I had pictures - but will try to tell the story and post pictures as soon as I find them.
This past weekend we had our annual Staff Christmas Party. For the sake of this story - I would like to remind you that I work at a church...an amazing church...but a church. Part of the goal of the party is to bless our staff and take an opportunity to have some fun and relax.
Due to an unusual circumstances, we had some money invested in a large-scale game company that we were going to lose if we didn't use by the end of the year. We use these large games and rides at Children's Ministry events a few times a year, but certainly we had no use for them (and were going to be out a bit of money) in November or December....
Until the Staff Christmas Party.
This year, we decided to have a lovely, beautifully decorated dinner in the Lobby of our church for the 65 staff people and their guests who were able to attend. Midway through the evening, after the warm sentiments of our bosses, celebrating what we've seen God do this year, an announcement was made.
As a group, we walked into the Sanctuary. The chairs had been cleared to house an adult moon bounce, an adult jousting inflatable station, and room for bachi balls and other games. Yup. We had a moon bounce in the Sanctuary.
So together, as a staff, we bounced and beat one another with giant foam Q-tips. We were exhausted by the end (and I certainly felt both my age and the effects childbearing has on your body long-term). But sincerely, it was the most creative grown-up party of all time.
I was the first one in the moon bounce - only to be followed in by our 60-something founding pastor. The whole thing was amazing, and certainly something to write home about. Rob took it easy on me when we jousted, but seriously, we had a blast.
So, next time you're throwing a party for a bunch of grown-up church workers....consider making a creative change!