Wednesday, August 22, 2012


People have asked throughout her whole life which one of us Keira looks like.  We've gone back and forth - and it changes with every facial expression...but as she's getting older, I think she's looking more and more like me.  I feel pretty vain thinking she's stupid cute AND that she looks like me.

But, if she's anything like her Mama, there are many awkward years ahead.

We just came across some old baby pictures of me as my mom has been going through her basement.  It's been nostalgic, but mostly funny.

For your visual enjoyment, here are some gems from the collection compared to Keira:

This is me.  Mostly censored.

Keira - 12 months.

There's my mom, responsibly watching me and whatnot.
There's my baby, cheeks and all.

Me, concentrating.
Keira, concentrating.

So, there you have it.  She's my baby.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Restaurant

I am under the impression that the bathroom speaks volumes about any establishment.

Rob and I went to Firebirds (a nice new-ish restaurant) on our date night last week.  We looked at a menu outside, said, "Sure, this looks good," and tried it.

Sweetwater prices.  Good food.  Great, cohesive, poshy environment.  Not too loud, not eerily quiet.  Nice touches along the way (i.e. the waitress said goodbye to us by name, per the credit card, imprint in the outside ash tray, they held the door for us as we left).

AND, the bathroom was fantastic!  Complete with built in nooks for candles in the walls...and in each stall.

I would've taken a picture of the candles in the bathroom - but thought that "might" be "creepy."

All in all, Firebirds was a win.