Thursday, November 1, 2012


We've been learning a lot about generosity these days.
Through our time, finances, and talents...the subject of generosity has been coming up all around us, and has been a blessing to learn about.

Something happened today that showed me an example of the legacy generosity can have.  My little girl was hugged and played with a stuffed animal dog...Pal.  A new favorite of hers.
But this dog is not just any dog.

From birth, my sister, Hope, was extremely generous.  We were taught to share and to give to others - but Hope ALWAYS went above and beyond.  When I was about 13, in middle school, Hope was 5.  She had a stuffed animal that I thought was really cute and liked a lot because it was Pal, from the HIT series Arthur (a-a-r-d-v-a-r-k) that we often watched together.
For my birthday, Hope bought me a gift (well, she picked out a gift that my mom paid for that she gave me).  But ON TOP of the gift she bought, Hope went to her room, picked up Pal, and wrapped him to give me for my birthday.  I didn't need Pal, nor was I jealous of him.  In fact, I almost couldn't even except her gift because I knew how much SHE loved it.
But, out of her love for me, as a 5 year old, Hope gave me something costly to her.  Something she LOVED that was her very own, because she loved me more.  And out of love and respect for her sacrifice, I hesitantly accepted her gift.

I have held onto Pal all of these years.  Treasured him, really.  Because he is not just a stuffed animal - Pal is an expression of great sacrifice.  He is the costly gift a 5 year old girl gave to her big sister.

And now, Pal is my daughter's to play with.  Not only did Hope's exercise of generosity move me as a middle schooler, but the fruit of that gift is still being reaped - 14 years later - by my little girl.

I was convicted as I watched Keira kiss and hug her doggie.  I was, again, moved by the act of generous giving...and graciously convicted to grow in this area myself.  It is a joy to think that a loving sacrifice in the present could reap blessings in the future.
Truly, as Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."