Dearest Keeley,
Today is a very special day. One year ago today, God gave you to our family. We knew right away that you were (and are) someone very special - from your first moments, you had a sweet and laid back temperament.
Your dad and I love you so much and have been honored this past year to get to know you - to start to see your personality come out more and more each watch you grow into a little person, and to enjoy spending each day with you. You are a blessing to everyone who knows you (believe me...they tell us ALL OF THE TIME).
You are a lovely little girl, with the unique balance of loving headbands and necklaces to kind of being a little bruiser. Honestly, I worry a heck of a lot more about you than your sister, because you are so curious and carefree, that you have no problem diving down the stairs or finding the ONE THING in any given space that wouldn't be appropriate for a baby to get get into. But, I love that about you. You are fearless.
You're calculated and efficient - very systematic, and clearly very smart. And while you're not a cuddler, you are affectionate to those whom you love - showing your affection with kisses, smiles, and excitement at their very presence. And yes, you are going to be quite the percussionist one day.
Honestly, I'm convicted at times that I am neglectful of you because you don't demand attention. You are content and laid back, independent and at times stubborn. You are compliant and learn quickly, fully of curiosity and silliness.
From your first day, we have said over and over that you are just a sweetheart, because you are. You have a sweet spirit and are literally a joy to be around. We love you and look forward to many, many more birthdays. Many more years of getting to know and love you.
Happy Birthday, Baby.
I love you to the moon and back,
Hello, Chum.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Catching Up
Well, it's been a while since I've written.
Honestly, this past year and a half has been so full and at times overwhelming, that I haven't felt the bandwidth or freedom to write. Over these past years, I've been ridiculously inconsistent, which I hate. But unfortunately, at times I don't think there's much to share. At times, I don't have the time...and at times, I hesitate to share what's actually going on in our lives as there have been many ups and downs. And that's okay.
But it's time to get back to it. Even to just to leave a record and legacy for our girls.
So, here's what you may have missed:
1. We had a baby. A while ago. She's really cute - Keeley. Also, she's the sweetest thing EVER. We love her.
2. Rob changed careers! After several months of being between jobs, Rob found a job a year ago at a wonderful little IT company, for which we are incredibly thankful.
3. Work is good. There's always something to do and if I wait a little while, there's always an event to plan. So that's pretty great.
4. Keira is growing up like crazy. She's now 3 going on 30. She talks nonstop, is creative, emotional, and stubborn. Fortunately, she's also caring and thoughtful to others, really (really, really) smart, gentle, and affectionate.
5. We have basked in the the overwhelming intimacy, generosity, and personal nature of God our provider. Both in the seemingly small, insignificant details of our lives to every major step along the way, God has lovingly planned for every detail of our lives to be orchestrated to point to His provision and care of us. In the midst of these ups and downs in our lives, in fear and anxiety, in the face of the unknown, God has mercifully reminded us time and again that He is consistent, faithful, and loving. It's been a blessed time, watching God move in and around us.
I'm sure there's more. But, I'll stop here for now and throw up some pictures so you can see how stinkin' cute these kids are and just get the tiniest bit jealous of our awesome family.
Honestly, this past year and a half has been so full and at times overwhelming, that I haven't felt the bandwidth or freedom to write. Over these past years, I've been ridiculously inconsistent, which I hate. But unfortunately, at times I don't think there's much to share. At times, I don't have the time...and at times, I hesitate to share what's actually going on in our lives as there have been many ups and downs. And that's okay.
But it's time to get back to it. Even to just to leave a record and legacy for our girls.
So, here's what you may have missed:
1. We had a baby. A while ago. She's really cute - Keeley. Also, she's the sweetest thing EVER. We love her.
2. Rob changed careers! After several months of being between jobs, Rob found a job a year ago at a wonderful little IT company, for which we are incredibly thankful.
3. Work is good. There's always something to do and if I wait a little while, there's always an event to plan. So that's pretty great.
4. Keira is growing up like crazy. She's now 3 going on 30. She talks nonstop, is creative, emotional, and stubborn. Fortunately, she's also caring and thoughtful to others, really (really, really) smart, gentle, and affectionate.
5. We have basked in the the overwhelming intimacy, generosity, and personal nature of God our provider. Both in the seemingly small, insignificant details of our lives to every major step along the way, God has lovingly planned for every detail of our lives to be orchestrated to point to His provision and care of us. In the midst of these ups and downs in our lives, in fear and anxiety, in the face of the unknown, God has mercifully reminded us time and again that He is consistent, faithful, and loving. It's been a blessed time, watching God move in and around us.
I'm sure there's more. But, I'll stop here for now and throw up some pictures so you can see how stinkin' cute these kids are and just get the tiniest bit jealous of our awesome family.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Birthday, Keira.
You're 2 today...and your Daddy and I couldn't be more proud of you! Over these past two years, you've been a tremendous joy to us - lighting up every room you enter and the hearts of everyone who sees you.
You're so darling, that strangers often feel like they know you and speak to you - regardless of who or where they are. Honestly, you are so patient with them and us, as we direct you to say, "Hello," and, "Thank you," as you're complimented. We are often humbled by your patient and sweet spirit.
Your Daddy and I love you so much, but we also like you. It's been so fun these past months as you've become more verbal - just to sit and talk to you. We want so badly to know know your thoughts, ideas, and observations...and love that you're better able to share those things with us now. You see everything, and are generally conscientious enough to share with tact and grace...yes, even at 2 years old.
You're silly and fun - love to eat treats, dance, play, and interact with your friends and family. If only we could figure out how to get you to sleep! You're so darned balanced in your ability and desire to be around others AND your ability to play by yourself - that when you get in bed, it takes you FOREVER to fall asleep. If only you didn't like your Big Girl Bed so darned much.
We don't know what we did before God gave you to our family. You're such a blessing and breath of fresh air to us. In the next couple of weeks, you're going to be a big sister - and we know already how great you're going to be! Your baby sister is a lucky girl to have you...undoubtedly to love her, kiss her, and take care of her like you do to me and Daddy, and all of your Baby Dolls and guys.
Smart, beautiful, fun, and so kind. We're truly proud of you - you're a delight to us.
Happy Birthday, Keira.
Love you -
You're 2 today...and your Daddy and I couldn't be more proud of you! Over these past two years, you've been a tremendous joy to us - lighting up every room you enter and the hearts of everyone who sees you.
You're so darling, that strangers often feel like they know you and speak to you - regardless of who or where they are. Honestly, you are so patient with them and us, as we direct you to say, "Hello," and, "Thank you," as you're complimented. We are often humbled by your patient and sweet spirit.
Your Daddy and I love you so much, but we also like you. It's been so fun these past months as you've become more verbal - just to sit and talk to you. We want so badly to know know your thoughts, ideas, and observations...and love that you're better able to share those things with us now. You see everything, and are generally conscientious enough to share with tact and grace...yes, even at 2 years old.
You're silly and fun - love to eat treats, dance, play, and interact with your friends and family. If only we could figure out how to get you to sleep! You're so darned balanced in your ability and desire to be around others AND your ability to play by yourself - that when you get in bed, it takes you FOREVER to fall asleep. If only you didn't like your Big Girl Bed so darned much.
We don't know what we did before God gave you to our family. You're such a blessing and breath of fresh air to us. In the next couple of weeks, you're going to be a big sister - and we know already how great you're going to be! Your baby sister is a lucky girl to have you...undoubtedly to love her, kiss her, and take care of her like you do to me and Daddy, and all of your Baby Dolls and guys.
Smart, beautiful, fun, and so kind. We're truly proud of you - you're a delight to us.
Happy Birthday, Keira.
Love you -
Thursday, November 1, 2012
We've been learning a lot about generosity these days.
Through our time, finances, and talents...the subject of generosity has been coming up all around us, and has been a blessing to learn about.
Something happened today that showed me an example of the legacy generosity can have. My little girl was hugged and played with a stuffed animal dog...Pal. A new favorite of hers.
But this dog is not just any dog.
From birth, my sister, Hope, was extremely generous. We were taught to share and to give to others - but Hope ALWAYS went above and beyond. When I was about 13, in middle school, Hope was 5. She had a stuffed animal that I thought was really cute and liked a lot because it was Pal, from the HIT series Arthur (a-a-r-d-v-a-r-k) that we often watched together.
For my birthday, Hope bought me a gift (well, she picked out a gift that my mom paid for that she gave me). But ON TOP of the gift she bought, Hope went to her room, picked up Pal, and wrapped him to give me for my birthday. I didn't need Pal, nor was I jealous of him. In fact, I almost couldn't even except her gift because I knew how much SHE loved it.
But, out of her love for me, as a 5 year old, Hope gave me something costly to her. Something she LOVED that was her very own, because she loved me more. And out of love and respect for her sacrifice, I hesitantly accepted her gift.
I have held onto Pal all of these years. Treasured him, really. Because he is not just a stuffed animal - Pal is an expression of great sacrifice. He is the costly gift a 5 year old girl gave to her big sister.
And now, Pal is my daughter's to play with. Not only did Hope's exercise of generosity move me as a middle schooler, but the fruit of that gift is still being reaped - 14 years later - by my little girl.
I was convicted as I watched Keira kiss and hug her doggie. I was, again, moved by the act of generous giving...and graciously convicted to grow in this area myself. It is a joy to think that a loving sacrifice in the present could reap blessings in the future.
Truly, as Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Through our time, finances, and talents...the subject of generosity has been coming up all around us, and has been a blessing to learn about.
Something happened today that showed me an example of the legacy generosity can have. My little girl was hugged and played with a stuffed animal dog...Pal. A new favorite of hers.
But this dog is not just any dog.
From birth, my sister, Hope, was extremely generous. We were taught to share and to give to others - but Hope ALWAYS went above and beyond. When I was about 13, in middle school, Hope was 5. She had a stuffed animal that I thought was really cute and liked a lot because it was Pal, from the HIT series Arthur (a-a-r-d-v-a-r-k) that we often watched together.
For my birthday, Hope bought me a gift (well, she picked out a gift that my mom paid for that she gave me). But ON TOP of the gift she bought, Hope went to her room, picked up Pal, and wrapped him to give me for my birthday. I didn't need Pal, nor was I jealous of him. In fact, I almost couldn't even except her gift because I knew how much SHE loved it.
But, out of her love for me, as a 5 year old, Hope gave me something costly to her. Something she LOVED that was her very own, because she loved me more. And out of love and respect for her sacrifice, I hesitantly accepted her gift.
I have held onto Pal all of these years. Treasured him, really. Because he is not just a stuffed animal - Pal is an expression of great sacrifice. He is the costly gift a 5 year old girl gave to her big sister.
And now, Pal is my daughter's to play with. Not only did Hope's exercise of generosity move me as a middle schooler, but the fruit of that gift is still being reaped - 14 years later - by my little girl.
I was convicted as I watched Keira kiss and hug her doggie. I was, again, moved by the act of generous giving...and graciously convicted to grow in this area myself. It is a joy to think that a loving sacrifice in the present could reap blessings in the future.
Truly, as Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I can't help myself.
This kid is to die for! I finally coerced her to leave a bow/barret thing in her hair for a few minutes, and totally capitalized on the opportunity to do a little 15-month photo shoot. Here are a few samples:
Thursday, September 20, 2012
September Impressions
It's been a full month. Great, but busy.
I looked at my calendar this morning and literally, there has only been 1 night in the past 10 days when Rob and I were both at home together - at the same time. And, yes. We have plans almost every night for the next 2 weeks.
Literally, we tried to make dinner plans with some friends, and the tentative date I threw out was three
weeks away.
But, in the middle of this busy season - God has impressed a few things on my heart.
First of all, I have an unbelievably supportive husband. Rob has had Keira over and over again - during the day while I've worked, night after night while I've been out or working... He has even at times come straight from a 13 hour shift to pick her up from my office to take her for the evening. He's been awesome. Hasn't complained, but rather has been happy for the time together with his baby girl and opportunity to serve me by caring for her.
Second. I am totally in awe of full-time working moms. Though this season hasn't been overwhelming, it has been full. I've at times felt swamped...just with the normal stuff. Keira, work, laundry, dinner. And I don't even work full time!!! I put in ALMOST 40 hours a few weeks ago and felt like I was barely staying afloat. NOT EVEN A WHOLE 40 hours! Honestly, when I put in my timesheet that week, I was humbled by respect for full-time working parents.
My mom worked full time my whole childhood (and adulthood), as did my mother-in-law. Bless them. I don't know how they did it, but can't hardly express my respect as they balanced a family, job, maintaining their homes, and doing an awesome job raising their children.
Finally, I don't know how single parents do it. Again, I am overwhelmed with respect for single parents, who maintain their families and jobs by themselves.
God talks about the widows and orphans, and I sincerely believe He has a special place in His heart for those single parents - and He MUST have special grace for them.
It's been a great month - and I have been so thankful to have been able to participate in the things going on around me. But, it's also been a joy to gain new respect for others and thankfulness for what (and who) God has provided for me.
I looked at my calendar this morning and literally, there has only been 1 night in the past 10 days when Rob and I were both at home together - at the same time. And, yes. We have plans almost every night for the next 2 weeks.
Literally, we tried to make dinner plans with some friends, and the tentative date I threw out was three
weeks away.
But, in the middle of this busy season - God has impressed a few things on my heart.
First of all, I have an unbelievably supportive husband. Rob has had Keira over and over again - during the day while I've worked, night after night while I've been out or working... He has even at times come straight from a 13 hour shift to pick her up from my office to take her for the evening. He's been awesome. Hasn't complained, but rather has been happy for the time together with his baby girl and opportunity to serve me by caring for her.
Second. I am totally in awe of full-time working moms. Though this season hasn't been overwhelming, it has been full. I've at times felt swamped...just with the normal stuff. Keira, work, laundry, dinner. And I don't even work full time!!! I put in ALMOST 40 hours a few weeks ago and felt like I was barely staying afloat. NOT EVEN A WHOLE 40 hours! Honestly, when I put in my timesheet that week, I was humbled by respect for full-time working parents.
My mom worked full time my whole childhood (and adulthood), as did my mother-in-law. Bless them. I don't know how they did it, but can't hardly express my respect as they balanced a family, job, maintaining their homes, and doing an awesome job raising their children.
Finally, I don't know how single parents do it. Again, I am overwhelmed with respect for single parents, who maintain their families and jobs by themselves.
God talks about the widows and orphans, and I sincerely believe He has a special place in His heart for those single parents - and He MUST have special grace for them.
It's been a great month - and I have been so thankful to have been able to participate in the things going on around me. But, it's also been a joy to gain new respect for others and thankfulness for what (and who) God has provided for me.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
People have asked throughout her whole life which one of us Keira looks like. We've gone back and forth - and it changes with every facial expression...but as she's getting older, I think she's looking more and more like me. I feel pretty vain thinking she's stupid cute AND that she looks like me.
But, if she's anything like her Mama, there are many awkward years ahead.
We just came across some old baby pictures of me as my mom has been going through her basement. It's been nostalgic, but mostly funny.
For your visual enjoyment, here are some gems from the collection compared to Keira:
So, there you have it. She's my baby.
But, if she's anything like her Mama, there are many awkward years ahead.
We just came across some old baby pictures of me as my mom has been going through her basement. It's been nostalgic, but mostly funny.
For your visual enjoyment, here are some gems from the collection compared to Keira:
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This is me. Mostly censored. |
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Keira - 12 months. |
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There's my mom, responsibly watching me and whatnot. |
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There's my baby, cheeks and all. |
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Me, concentrating. |
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Keira, concentrating. |
So, there you have it. She's my baby.
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