Monday, July 7, 2014

Dearest Keeley,

Today is a very special day.  One year ago today, God gave you to our family.  We knew right away that you were (and are) someone very special - from your first moments, you had a sweet and laid back temperament.

Your dad and I love you so much and have been honored this past year to get to know you - to start to see your personality come out more and more each watch you grow into a little person, and to enjoy spending each day with you.  You are a blessing to everyone who knows you (believe me...they tell us ALL OF THE TIME).

You are a lovely little girl, with the unique balance of loving headbands and necklaces to kind of being a little bruiser.  Honestly, I worry a heck of a lot more about you than your sister, because you are so curious and carefree, that you have no problem diving down the stairs or finding the ONE THING in any given space that wouldn't be appropriate for a baby to get get into.  But, I love that about you.  You are fearless.

You're calculated and efficient - very systematic, and clearly very smart.  And while you're not a cuddler, you are affectionate to those whom you love - showing your affection with kisses, smiles, and excitement at their very presence.  And yes, you are going to be quite the percussionist one day.

Honestly, I'm convicted at times that I am neglectful of you because you don't demand attention.  You are content and laid back, independent and at times stubborn.  You are compliant and learn quickly, fully of curiosity and silliness.

From your first day, we have said over and over that you are just a sweetheart, because you are.  You have a sweet spirit and are literally a joy to be around.  We love you and look forward to many, many more birthdays.  Many more years of getting to know and love you.

Happy Birthday, Baby.

I love you to the moon and back,

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