Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big News.

Well, we feel like we should officially announce that Rob and I are pregnant!

We're only 9.5 weeks, but everything looks good right now and we're basically tired of not being able to tell people.  So, at the end of June, Lord willing, we will have our first child!!!

We're calling it Chum.  On Monday, we were able to go to the doctors and see Chum through an ultrasound.  It's the size of a green olive - but (go figure), Chum was being uncooperative during and moving around during the, we got a couple of pictures, but they're not the best.  Chum basically looks like a blob - but a blob that has a head, abdomen, and strong beating heart!

So, "Hello, Chum."  And don't worry - this won't be a pregnancy blog.  But we'll keep you updated with any big developments.


  1. Yay!!! Congratulations you guys, we are sooooo happy for you!

  2. Congratulations, Kemper and Rob!!! I've never met Rob, but Kemps, I know you will be an absolutely incredible mother and I'm sure your hubby will be the most amazing father. :) ENJOY every moment. Even the bad ones are miraculous.

  3. Congrats Kemper!! That's amazing news!

  4. Yes, Congratulations! I remember at Chuck and I's very first youth meeting, you announced your resignation with the youth. You also said during your announcement that you'd like to have a family soon, so this is just awesome! =)

    ~abby =)

    So exciting!!! Are you going to name shim Paul McCartney? Or after a Disney cartoon character? Or after an LOST, Scrubs, AD, or Office Character (Phyllis DeGroot or Sawyer DeGroot--both completely respectable names)? Or Holly? Gosh the possibilities are endless!! OMG-- Tobias DeGroot is also awesome!!

    You guys will be amazing parents!! And fun parents. And amazingly fun parents are good parents to have!!

  6. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! How has the first trimester been treating you?
