Sunday, November 14, 2010

Paul McCartney

In college, I developed somewhat of a "Bucket List."  I haven't taken it very seriously - as the list itself is safely filed in an old computer that may or may not even work.
But I've just thought of something that I MUST do before I die that I should probably start actively pursuing.

I must see Paul McCartney live in concert before I die...or before he dies, for that matter.  To be honest, there's a timeframe I'm working in with this one - he may not be a Bill Cosby who still performs in his seventies (who, by the way, is still great - though getting a little forgetful).

A friend of mine recently lent me an awesome Paul McCartney CD recorded live in New York City.  This initiated my need to see him in real life.  Unfortunately, Paul isn't performing in America anytime soon - but is twice this month in Sao Paulo (which I wish I would've known about - since we have great friends who live there...I would totally fly halfway across the world to visit friends AND see Paul).

At one point, I did tell Rob that if Paul McCartney autographed my body I would get it tattooed.  And I would.  He's the only person alive who fits in that category - so please don't worry that I'm some kind of celebrity obsessed weirdo who would permanently mark myself with someone's autograph.  But for Paul I would.

If you hear that Paul is performing in America - particularly on the East Coast - please keep me posted!

Is there anyone who's autograph you would get tattooed?


  1. He's in Brazil RIGHT NOW!! I saw his 'live' concert on TV the other night. He was pretty amazing...for a British guy anyway.

    If I had your autograph, I'd get it tattooed...

  2. I think Sirius is having an exclusive concert in NYC soon. Maybe check out their website...
