Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I got glasses

I'm the only person alive who's always wanted glasses.

When I was in middle school, I had a fake pair that my mom told me made me look smarter.  She wasn't wrong.

A few weeks ago, my mom needed to get new glasses and asked me to come with her to pick them out.  I am the best and worst shopping buddy because I actually tell you what I think of a potential purchase. While I try to be gracious, unfortunately, I'm usually just brutally honest.

So, we went and got some great glasses for her...and while we were there, I found a pair that I really liked.  A lot.  So much, that I went back to the office and looked up Rob's ophthalmologist - and I called to make my very first eye appointment.  Vain?  Yes.  But I did it anyway.

To be fair, I've noticed in the past years that my eyes aren't what they used to be.  It takes me a long time to focus between objects (particularly from near to far and vise versa), poor depth perception, and have to move away from people or words too close to be able to see them.  In fact, once I made the appointment, I only noticed more and more how tired my eyes felt all of the time - apparently from straining all of the time.

Sure enough, I have an astigmatism.  Here's the thing - I have it and don't even know if it's proper to say "an astigmatism" or just "I have astigmatism."  Like a condition...which it is... so  maybe no "an"?

But, I got my glasses and LOVE them.  It took a while for my muscles to adjust so I didn't get headaches or strain to see out of them - but they're awesome.  I even made Rob go and get his eyes checked.  We literally drove by the office and I dialed the phone and handed it to him.

So.  Done and done.  I can actually read now.  And see, so that's good.  Also, they look super cool (Mike Minter even told me, so you know it's true).

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