Monday, May 16, 2011

35 Weeks

I went to the OB last week and she was (once again) aware of the size of the baby.  So, our doctor sent us to get a good ultrasound to have a more accurate idea of how big she really is.

So far, everything looks great!  Unfortunately, while Chum appears healthy, she's squished enough that her hands are by her face and it was hard to get great pictures of her face.  Certainly, as she showed at our 20 week appointment, she's her father's daughter - and though she had more room back then, these pictures are strangely similar with her hands (seemingly intentionally) covering her face.

Leave it to our kid to have chubby cheeks, thighs, and even hands while still in the womb.  And apparently a head full of hair!!!  I'm trying not to get too excited about the hair - until she comes - but am more amazed at the technology that can see her hair even now.  AND...while the ultrasound can't be completely accurate, it looks like Chumbelina is weighing about 6 lbs. 15 oz. right now (while the suggested weight at 35 weeks is 5 lbs. 4 oz.).  Averages would say that while we're 35 weeks, Chum is measuring at the size of a 38 week old.

Current Status: the ultrasound pictures will be sent to our OB, who we'll see again next week.  They'll probably watch Chum's growth for a few more weeks (to see if she continues to grow at this rate), before making a decision about an induction or c-section date.

Won't be long now....

1 comment:

  1. The current estimated weight of Chum is more than either of my kids at full term. But my kids were tiny. It was like they hadn't filled out all the way.
