Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another week.

My favorite brother visited from college this weekend and we were excited to see him - if even for a few minutes.

Around his neck, Josh was wearing a whistle - which we asked about (and made fun of for a minute) until he told us the story of the Fallen Whistles.  Josh has an incredible compassion for the world and people in need; a compassion that humbles and convicts me often.  I am so proud of him and he was gracious enough to share the link of the story of the Fallen Whistles with me -

While I poked around on our Baby Registry and thought about all the things I have to do today - I took a few minutes to check out this link.  I was both moved and deeply convicted.  My world is so small and so privileged - it is ashamedly easy to forget that our beautiful home and community are the Disney World of the whole world.

I do encourage you to take a minute to check out this link.  It is a remarkable account.

Thanks, Josh, for passing this on.

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